June 7-9, 2004 – The National Fatherhood Initiative
conducts its Seventh National Summit on Fatherhood in
Atlanta, Georgia. For further information, visit the
organization’s website at www.fatherhood.org.
(THIS IS A DANGER to FATHERS ~ THIS IS A RED FLAG FOR THE GEORGIA FATHERS TO TAKE ACTION AGAINST THIS PREDATORY GROUP, THIS group is the one that President Bush honors and takes a lot of his "information from that helped to create the RESPONSIBLE FATHERHOOD boondoggle)
June 7-9, 2004 – National Partnership for Community Leadership will hold
its Sixth Annual International Fatherhood Conference in
Detroit, Michigan. For further details, visit the organization’s
website at
June 14-20, 2004 -- Men’s Health Week celebrates
its 10th anniversary as it brings together corporations,
government agencies, religious and fraternal organizations,
health care providers, public policy makers, the media
and individuals together through a series of activities
in an effort to encourage men and young males to seek
regular medical advice and early treatment for disease
and injury. For further information, contact the Men’s
Health Network by telephone at (202) 543-6461 or via
e-mail at info@menshealthweek.org
or visit the website of Men’s Health Week at www.menshealthweek.org.
June 18-19, 2004 -- The District of Columbia
Chapter of the National Coalition of Free Men is sponsoring
The First National Men’s Rights Congress in Washington,D.C.
and extends an invitation to men and women to attend.
Planned activities include lobbying Congressional representatives
on topics of men’s rights and a conference featuring
many prominent speakers from the Men's Rights community.
For further information visit the organization’s website
at www.mensrights2004.com
June 18, 2004 – The Second Million Dads March
is scheduled to take place in the United States, Canada
and other countries. According to Mr. Thomas Lessman,
Chairman of the Million Dads March (“MDM”), the MDM
events for this year will be on Friday June 18th, 2004
-- two days before Fathers' Day --. The events will
take place in every state capitol and in every large
city where there are coordinators to facilitate the
staging of the event. For more information, visit the
MDM website at www.MillionDadsMarch.org
and view the MDM Events page. To find the MDM activists
in your area, visit the World Wide Marches page or the
MDM-USA page of MDM’s website.